Competition Benchmark

Competition Benchmark

An actionable report to make better decisions. Let's check how you are doing compared to your direct competition in different areas, channels and content strategy.

  • Social Media benchmark (Facebook., Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tik Tok)
  • Google benchmark (SEO)
  • Ads benchmark (Google Ads, Meta Ads, YouTube Ads, LinkedIn Ads)
  • Content Strategy benchmark

$395/ benchmark analisys for one country

About the call

What you will get from me

This is a starter call so we can both see if we are a good fit.

I will ask you some questions about your business and the software you are using to try to find any missing opportunities or better ways of using the technology you already have. At the end of the call you should be able to see if there are any gaps or any room for improvement in your tech usage and the strategy behind it.


What this call is not:

  • A planning session
  • A formal recommendation for which competitors to pursue
  • A call to sell you a marketing strategy
  • A way for me to collect your data to send you spam.
Yes, it's free

Help me help you

In order to get the most out of this call, some preparation is suggested:

In this call we will talk about your industry and competitors and how to gather more information about them. It's important to understand who are your competitors, their general strategy and some tactics they use. We may even find out some of the technology they use as well. If possible, please have these informations at hand before our call:

  • Why are your scheduling this call?
  • Name of up to 10 direct competitors you know about.
  • How do you monitor your competitors online?
  • Did you already identified any gaps between what you company does and what your competitors are doing?

You can even email me a short answer for these questions or a short video answering these questions if you prefer.

Book me now

Please select the best time for you

If you can't find any time that suits your needs, feel free to write me at with your preferred timeframes and I will do my best to find some room for our call.