Your Business Online Presence

Business Online Presence Report

A full picture inform on how your business is positioned online.

  • Google's Search Engine Positioning
  • Social Media Positioning
  • Ads Positioning
  • Website audit

$315/ country

About the call

What you will get from me

This is a starter call so we can both see if we are a good fit.


I will ask you some questions about your business and marketing strategies so I can try to understand what your online presence should be and how it is at the present.


Identifying possible gaps between where your business should be and where it is now is very important to generate a plan in the future to cover these voids.


At the end of the call you should be able to understand what this service will deliver to your business and if it is of value to your marketing efforts or not.


What this call is not:

  • A planning session
  • A formal recommendation on marketing strategies
  • A call with tips to increase your ROI or ROAS
  • A call to sell you a marketing strategy
  • A way for me to collect your data to send you spam.
Yes, it's free

Help me help you

In order to get the most out of this call, some preparation is suggested:

In this call we will talk about your business and your marketing efforts. I will talk you through on what you will receive if you hire this service and how it can add value to your company. If possible, please have these informations at hand before our call:

  • Why are your scheduling this call?
  • Which platforms are you using for organic promotion?
  • Which platforms are you running ads on?
  • What are your general SEO and Content Marketing efforts?
  • Have you identified any problems or challenges your company is facing on its marketing, sales and/or customer service efforts?

You can email me a short answer for these questions or a short video answering these questions if you prefer.

Book me now

Please select the best time for you

If you can't find any time that suits your needs, feel free to write me at with your preferred timeframes and I will do my best to find some room for our call.